Focusing our gaze on Jesus

Let’s set our hearts on Jesus together.

“Lent” comes from the Middle English for “springtime” and refers to the season of the year dedicated to the anticipation of Jesus’ passion.

At Reach, the Lenten season is an opportunity not for us to earn Jesus’ sacrifice, but to honor the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in our every day lives.

We do this by turning our gaze to Him, fasting in some way to make space for Jesus and acknowledge our weakness in need of a Savior, and to dedicate time to pray and reflect on Jesus.

We love to adore Jesus, and by setting aside time daily for 40 days, we hope to strip aside distractions and draw closer to Him.

Below you’ll find Daily Lent Devotionals we've built for you, and more content to help orient and equip you for Lent. Join us for Midweek Prayer + Worship every Wednesday at Noon during Lent (in-person or via livestream).

Begin Lent with us on Tuesday night.

On Tuesday, March 4th we will be gathering for a night of prayer and worship together at the Reach Offices.

Learn More

Join for Prayer + Worship Every Wednesday

Every Wednesday from Noon – 1:00pm we will be gathering in-person at the Reach Offices. If you can’t make it in person, tune in via our YouTube livestream during your lunch hour.

Watch the Livestream


To help guide you in this season, on this page weʼve prepared daily devotionals following weekly themes to focus our hearts on Jesus.

Click here to text LENT to 425-333-1048 and we’ll send you the devotional each week.

Week One: March 5-8

Repentance is trusting God to remove unrighteousness from us.

Week Two: March 9-15

Hunger is acknowledging our deep need for God to fulfill us beyond physical appetite.

Week Three: March 16-22

Humility is embracing lowliness, allowing God to elevate us in His time and way.

Week Four: March 23-29

Prayer is opening our hearts to commune with God, aligning our desires with His will.

Week Five: March 30 - April 5

Discernment is seeking God’s wisdom to distinguish His voice from the noise of the world.

Week Six: April 6-12

Intimacy is drawing closer to God, experiencing His love and presence in a personal and profound way.

Week Seven: April 13-19

Worship is joyful response to God’s greatness, celebrating His presence in our lives.