“Lent” comes from the Middle English for “springtime” and refers to the season of the year dedicated to the anticipation of Jesus’ passion.
At Reach, the Lenten season is an opportunity not for us to earn Jesus’ sacrifice, but to honor the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in our every day lives.
We do this by turning our gaze to Him, fasting in some way to make space for Jesus and acknowledge our weakness in need of a Savior, and to dedicate time to pray and reflect on Jesus.
We love to adore Jesus, and by setting aside time daily for 40 days, we hope to strip aside distractions and draw closer to Him.
Below you’ll find Daily Lent Devotionals we've built for you, and more content to help orient and equip you for Lent. Join us for Midweek Prayer + Worship every Wednesday at Noon during Lent (in-person or via livestream).
Our heart posture during Lent is what is most important because intimacy with God is what we’re after. In deciding on what to fast, we don’t want to just pick something that would be hard or a “good one.” We want to prayerfully consider the outcome — intimacy with Jesus — when choosing something to lay down for 40 days.
Here are some questions to help you:
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season and the symbol of “ash” representing death and repentance. We observe this day to remind ourselves that we need a Savior. Ash Wednesday is a solemn day not intended to beat us down, but is a reminder to us that reorients our perspective to hold sorrow for sin and sober-mindedness for it’s impact.
*Remember, we don’t observe these things to produce shame, but to serve as an opportunity for understanding of our need of the Gospel and to prepare our hearts with gratitude for the certainty of our salvation found in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Easter is coming!
We have structured this time to provide a moment of thoughtful reflection and listening prayer. We wait upon the Lord; His friendship is what we seek. Each day, plan on reading a passage or two of scripture and respond to a journal prompt. We suggest using the acronym BREAD for your scripture reading time so that you can center your heart and mind on the Lord:
Try turning on Reach’s Blank album as a beautiful companion to your Lent time.
Our passages of Scripture and journal prompts wont necessarily focus on the object of your fasting; rather, what we are fasting is intended to make space in our hearts and minds for what God wants to speak and work out in us through the Word, prayer, silence, and journaling.
Absolutely! Your heart before the Lord is the most important. If you’re resonating with the idea of Lent, understand that we aren’t striving or earning but leaning into greater intimacy with Jesus, and are desiring to be a part of our devotionals, please join us!
If you started and then lost momentum, maybe consider asking yourself if you’ve made things too difficult with what you’ve chosen to fast, if you’re not taking the commitment seriously, or need more community around this practice. We are here to walk with you! We’re all in this together!
On Tuesday, March 4th we will be gathering for a night of prayer and worship together at the Reach Offices.
Learn MoreEvery Wednesday from Noon – 1:00pm we will be gathering in-person at the Reach Offices. If you can’t make it in person, tune in via our YouTube livestream during your lunch hour.
Watch the LivestreamTo help guide you in this season, on this page weʼve prepared daily devotionals following weekly themes to focus our hearts on Jesus.
Click here to text LENT to 425-333-1048 and we’ll send you the devotional each week.