Lent, Week Four: March 3 - March 9
Sunday, March 3
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Prayer Prompt
Pray for an increased desire to intercede in prayer for what is on the heart of God.
Monday, March 4
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, Romans 8:16-25
Explanation + Reflection
We “groan” in prayer with God as a woman in childbirth. These passages speak to the “already but not yet” of the Kingdom of God — we dwell in the House of God in our daily lives, and yet, we are groaning for things to be set right again.
Journal Prompt
Do you allow this kind of vulnerability in your prayer life? Why or why not?
Tuesday, March 5
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, Matthew 6:5-15
Explanation + Reflection
This Psalm gives language to our cries to the Lord to hear us. Jesus also teaches us to pray in a way that shows us the multi-faceted ways of conversation with God.
Journal Prompt
In our groaning, God holds an open invitation to commune with Him. What is something you want to pray about but have not?
Wednesday, March 6
Join Prayer + Worship today from Noon-1pm
In-person at the Reach Offices or tune in on your lunch hour via our livestream on YouTube.
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, Romans 8:26-28
Explanation + Reflection
God provides the Holy Spirit as a Counselor and One who is interceding for us. We have a very real, very near resource in every moment of need.
Journal Prompt
Have you ever “prayed without words”? What was that like for you? If not, why do you think?
Thursday, March 7
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
Explanation + Reflection
It is the will of God for us to pray without stopping and to rejoice always. Instead of a “do as you’re told” command, this is an invitational command that produces in us endurance, joy, and peace.
Journal Prompt
Do you find it easy to pray or a little more hard? What is one step you could take towards greater prayer intimacy with the Lord?
Friday, March 8
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, Ephesians 1:7-14
Explanation + Reflection
God lavishes His grace upon us and desires to unite all things to Himself. We are then sealed with the Holy Spirit as a promise of our salvation.
Journal Prompt
Sit in prayer and contemplate what it means to be “lavished with grace” by God. What does that do in you?
Saturday, March 9
Read Scripture: Psalm 84, 1 John 5:13-15
Explanation + Reflection
The Scriptures say over and over that we are invited to ask God for what we want and need; God wants to hear the longings of our hearts!
Journal Prompt
What are some ways you could lean into praying with greater boldness for the desires on your heart?