Holy Week: March 24 - March 28
Palm Sunday, March 24: Liturgy of the Palms
Read Scripture: Psalm 24
Prayer Prompt
Pray for a renewed and restored joy of your salvation and faith; God is the author of your faith!
Monday, March 25
Read Scripture: Psalm 33, Ephesians 2:1-10
Explanation + Reflection
We were dead in our sin. We did not have the power of resurrection life. BUT GOD. In His rich mercy gave us Jesus to raise us from the dead and bring us into new life through the power of His blood and love for us. Wow!
Journal Prompt
What can you thank Jesus for saving you from?
Tuesday, March 26
Read Scripture: Psalm 145, John 14:1-14
Explanation + Reflection
Jesus is encouraging His disciples that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Phillip asks Jesus to show them the Father, and Jesus replies, “If you have seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”
Journal Prompt
What does Jesus’ life and character teach you about God? Does it challenge you to think this way? How?
Wednesday, March 27
Join Prayer + Worship today from Noon-1pm
In-person at the Reach Offices or tune in on your lunch hour via our livestream on YouTube.
Read Scripture: Psalm 98, John 18:28-40
Explanation + Reflection
Jesus says that the purpose of His birth is to bear witness to the truth. To which Pilate asks Jesus a question, “What is truth?”
Journal Prompt
How might you answer this question? What comes to mind for you if you were asked, “What is truth?”
Maundy Thursday, March 28: End of Lent
Read Scripture: Psalm 34, Mark 14:1-25
Explanation + Reflection
Jesus is anointed and eats a Passover meal with His disciples. Jesus then institutes the Lord’s Supper. All of the events in the last days of Jesus’ life are His preparation as the Passover Lamb, a sacrifice for us.
Journal Prompt
Just like Mary, what can you pour out on Jesus in thankfulness?
Good Friday — Friday, March 29
Read Scripture: Psalm 150, John 19
Explanation + Reflection
Reading the torture and crucifixion of Jesus is painful, and yet a powerful reminder of the seriousness of our sin, the depth and incomprehensible love of the Father and Jesus himself, and the finality of payment for our sin. It is finished.
Journal Prompt
What things can you leave in the tomb with Jesus?