Celebrating 10 years at reach
the reach archives
As we look back on the last 10 years, we see the Lord’s handiwork at every turn. We’ve prepared over 250 pages archiving the story of what God has done at Reach over the past decade. We can’t wait to share it with you.
This digital copy of the archives is optimized for viewing on a desktop or laptop computer.

Some of our
favorite moments...
When the core group of Reach first came together, living rooms, front yards, and even an apartment complex exercise room served as sanctuaries for worshipping together, building relationships, and equipping people to serve and lead.
Launch Sunday
On January 13, 2013 Reach officially launched. Over a 150 people gathered together, despite there being a important Seahawks playoff game happening that same morning.
Reach’s First Worship Night
In the spring of 2013, Reach gathered at Life Community Church for our first worship night. That night we also celebrated the first baptisms at Reach.
Reach College Group and Reach Youth are Launched
Discipleship for the next generation begins as our college and youth groups launch.
In the summer of 2015, one of Reach’s favorite traditions is born, the Summer Baptism Party.
Dozens scatter across the region for our first Serve the City Day.
The Story Team
Under Megan Johnson's leadership (first photo), the Story Team became a powerful means of sharing God's power at Reach.
Reach Everett is Launched
In 2017, Sean and Kara Gasperetti are sent out to plant Reach Everett.
Church Online
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Reach family pivots to creating
spaces for community and discipleship online.
Reach Has a New Home
In May 2021, Northwest University became Reach's new home.
Our First In-Service Baptisms
Of the many baptisms we have celebrated over the years, these were the first we were ever able to do during Sunday morning services.
The Reach Counseling Center Launches
The Reach Counseling Center is launched in August 2022, thanks to the leadership and vision of Pastor Josh Loy, and the generosity of our friends at Westminster Chapel. Affordable, gospel-centered care is now being provided at a scale we had previously only dreamed of.
End of year giving
Generosity fuels the mission.
We would not have been able to accomplish all that we did in the last 10 years without your financial partnership. We celebrate you and God’s faithfulness in and through you! It's our goal that 100% of folks who call Reach home will commit to investing financially in the mission of our church. We invite you to pray over your financial commitment to Reach, and let us know below how you plan to partner with us.
If you would like to make a major donation or contribute stocks and/or securities, real estate, or other non-cash assets to Reach, please contact us at giving@reachchurch.cc.
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