Small Group Bible Study

Idols Among Us
 - Week 

Hand-made Heart-made

1st Corinthians 8:1-13
Discussion Guide
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Please take advantage of our 1st Corinthians 8-10 Tool Kit with additional resources for further learning.

Before discussing in Groups, DNAs, mentorship and other gospel conversations around First Corinthians, consider the three different sources of engaging questions described at the bottom of this page. This will help lead to inspiring conversation and discussion instead of simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers.

Discussion Questions

  • How would you define idolatry? Give an example of how idolatry might show up in the world today. In your life.
  • How are we to understand the reality of spiritual forces and figures in relation to the supremacy of one God - the triune Creator, God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob? What other Scriptures help us understand this?
  • What is Paul’s message and meaning about the difference between knowledge and love?
  • Who exactly does Paul describe when he speaks of the “weak” or those with “weak conscience”? How does this relate to the context of food for the Corinthians? What would be a contemporary example in your life now?
  • What is the full responsibility of those who have knowledge, love and a healthy understanding of their liberty in Christ?

Discussion Format Suggestions

First, consider some simple, regular, thought-provoking opening questions to get the group discussions started. Try these on for fit: 

  • So, as we begin, where and How did you sense God’s Presence this week?
  • What is the state of the key relationships in your life right now? 
  • What were your biggest challenges? Biggest blessings? 
  • What are you most grateful for right now? 

Second, you can continue the discussion by honing in on the specific passage of First Corinthians that we’ve just studied on Sunday, or that you just read and studied together. You can engage some or all of the questions organized above for each of the passages. It’s always a good idea to read the particular passage again in the group discussion. 

Thirdly, please feel free to add your own questions as a result of your study and prayer through First Corinthians. You are the leader. Lead. Shepherd your people closer to Jesus.