Small Group Bible Study

Quiet Christmas
 - Week 

Week Four: Peace

Discussion Guide
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Isaiah 61:1-3; John 3:16-19; Luke 1:26-55

Participate in Lighting of the Advent Candle

The fourth purple candle represents joy and is traditionally called the Angel’s Candle. It reminds us of the good news the angels announced to the shepherds: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men. Because of the gentle arrival of our Great and Glorious Savior, there will finally be peace between God and his people. This peace will come at a great cost, and by a great sacrifice. We remember the price of the peace and grace in which we stand. And we thank you, merciful Father. Light the fourth Advent Candle (along with the previous three).

Discussion + Meditation

  • What is the best part, in your opinion, about the “good news” of Jesus’ arrival?
  • What does it mean to have peace with God?
  • How can you be an “instrument of peace” to those around you?


“Father, we recognize that we simply do not understand how you can love us so deeply and know us so completely. This is difficult to understand and receive at times. We repent of our false self image, in every way it fails to align with your holy view of us as Beloved daughter, as Beloved son. You have established peace. You purchased it. You have redeemed us. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and love, because of Your great love for us.”

Personal Journaling Prompt

Take some time and space to reflect on the areas of your life that do not yet enjoy peace. What relationships and projects and character qualities fail to enjoy the deep reality of God’s peace? Finally, write a prayer asking for a pervasive and transforming invasion of His peace into all of the areas of your life that need it the most.