August 7, 2024
On April 13th the elders met via Zoom to pray for wisdom and discern God’s will for the church in this season. Executive Director, Rob Garey led our discussion, Jason Chudnofsky, Brian McCormack and Mike O’Neil were present as elders, while Rick Grimm and Don Hjort joined as elder candidates.
Our conversation was largely an update on the state of Reach as a whole. Rob walked through an organizational chart of the current staff and ministry structure, briefly shared about Sunday attendance trends (nearly 500 in person, and over 200 consistent devices online), and highlighted possible ways to allocate the $200,000 of staffing budget that is currently available. The elders empowered Rob and Brian to move forward with tentative plans to hire a Sunday Operations Lead, fill several administrative support roles, and publicly post a job description for a full-time Family Pastor to pour into kids, students, and their parents.
We invite you to be in consistent prayer about the following this month: