
To whom much is given, much is required.

Since its birth, God has gifted Reach with more than we could have imagined.

Nothing matters more than the divine call to faithfully steward these gifts — yes, in regard to resources and opportunities, but much more so, in regard to people.

Stewardship is the responsibility of all those who call Reach home, but as proves true in any community, a greater responsibility falls on those who have been called to lead.

Elders at Reach are biblically qualified men who carry the responsibility and authority of leading the church together. Their role is to guide and guard the mission, vision, life and doctrine of Reach (largely by empowering and caring for the men and women who serve as Reach’s pastors and staff), and to follow Jesus, the Chief Shepherd of the Church.

The Elder team can be reached anytime at elders@reachchurch.cc

Elder Updates

Reach’s mission and values

Who We are

Believe the truth, do the stuff

Local + Global Mission

Churches we've planted or support

Family of Churches

Teachings from the Bible
